Nur City Media (NCM)
The NCM building holds many special areas such as the Radio Genki studio, and the Nur Times Office. Look below for more information!
#Nur Times – A place where Nurizens can find updates about Muslim Manga and other related content.
#Submit – Nurizens can submit their art for challenges and contests here. This art will then be featured on Nur City social media channels!
City Hall
#Rules – The rules are posted here in the City Hall. All Nurizens must abide by the City rules to help create a comfy, welcoming environment for all who in live Nur City.
#Map – You can find a map in the City Hall that will give you a short description for each channel. With this, new Nurizens can learn to navigate the City a little easier.
#Intro Garden – Meet new Nurizens here! All who join Nur City must pass through this lovely garden first. Here, new Nurizens can introduce themselves and be greeted by all the current Nurizens.
#Plaza – This is where most of the action happens in Nur City! This open, spacious plaza is where Nurizens gather and chat about anything and everything as long as they follow the rules of the City.
#Konbini Imeji – A convenient place to grab some images from other Nurizens. Find all kinds of images here supplied by the various Nurizens.
The Culture Center
Enjoy and interact with MuslimManga.Org content
#wasalam – weekly series
#muslimmangaclub – weekly series
#joam – weekly series
Nur University
To unlock access to Nur University, you need to #apply to become a student first. For your college application, you will need to write a paragraph on why you want to join the prestigious University of Nur City (UNC).
#Library – For link sharing.
#Inspiration – Share some inspiration quote or illustration you have or you know.
#Productivity – Chat or share some advice on work productivity.
#Hospital – A support channel in case you got into trouble especially on Discord features.
Omotenashi Mansion
A place to have fun and play games with fellow citizens. There are a lot of games here, so take your time learning and how to play and don’t be afraid to participate. If you are ever unsure of something, you can ask your fellow Nurizens. They will be more than happy to help you.
#Complete-The-Manga – draw the next panel
#Drawitori – make a drawing that starts with the last letter of the previous drawing
#isëkái – become a character
#Poke-Hall – catch random pokemon that appear
#Robot-Parking-Lot – get rank info and other robot stuff?
Majime Tower
Majime means serious in Japanese (Reference: https://jisho.org/search/majime)
This tower is for those who are serious about helping the Muslim Manga community and organization.
#web department
#translation department
#events department
#challenges department
#outreach department
#writers&artists department
#videos department
Poji Tower
This is a special tower you can unlock by supporting Muslim Manga on patreon for $1 or more per month. In addition to gaining access to early access and exclusive content, you can unlock access to many parts of Poji Tower.
#monthly-illustrations floor
#monthly-line-art floor
#hero-zone floor